I enjoyed this assignment very much. I currently use Easy Grade Pro in addition to my paper and pencil grade book. I like using Easy Grade Pro because it is very easy to enter and calculate grades. It also enables teachers to give parents a print out of their child’s grades very easily. In correlation to this, the Engrade site is very similar to Easy Grade Pro. Teachers can enter grades, categories, category weights, print multigrade spreadsheets, and keep track of attendance. However, each program has its own distinct advantages and disadvantages.
Easy Grade Pro Advantages:
1. Available Off Line. If internet connection is down, you still have access to your grades.
2. Can enter information quick and easily
3. Can be saved easily in different formats (desktop, flash drive, CD)
Easy Grade Pro Disadvantages:
1.To share info with parents you must print out sheets
2.Must pay for the software
3.Can only view formats on computers where Easy Grade Pro has been downloaded onto
Engrade Advantages:
1. Available Online so there is easy access both at home and at school
2. Can enter information quick and easily
3. Easy Access for both parents and students
4. Information is available in a variety of formats (online or can be printed out as a hardcopy)
Engrade Disadvantages:
1. Parents uncomfortable with the internet may not want their child’s grades posted online.
2. Information is not available in Spanish. Therefore, parents who speak/read limited/no English will not benefit from this tool.
Overall, I think Engrade is a great feature for classroom teachers. I think I may even like it a little more than Easy Grade Pro because it provides a way for teachers to have direct contact with both parents and students on daily basis. I think parents would appreciate being able to see how their child is doing in an easy and convenient manner. It also gives students that are absent a way to stay informed of classroom tests and assignments. The only thing I can think of that would improve Engrade would be to offer the site in both English and Spanish since teachers often service a large population of bilingual students. I think I am going to begin using this tool for my own classroom. I plan on testing it out during the next quarter for my personal plan book. If I like, I am then going to invite parents and students to begin using it as well.
Sample Spelling Gradebook Entry
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