Saturday, December 6, 2008
Photobucket & Flickr ICP Project
I thought this project was a great way to end the course. It enabled us to incorporate many the different elements we learned throughout the duration of the course in one culminating project. I feel that I gained a lot while creating this project. I really like to take photos as a hobby. I also try to incorporate photo and video use in the classroom with my students. Last year, I created a video yearbook for my classroom. All throughout the year, I captured photographs and videos of our class activities and special events our class participated in. At the end of the year, I created a video album and gave each student a copy. They absolutely loved it and so did the parents. This part of why I choose to research Photobucket and Flickr for my ICP. I really enjoyed learning about both. I will probably use Photobucket more than Flickr but I am glad to have learned about such great photo/video resources that are available online.
In addition to learning about these two sites, I was also immensely interested in the Jing software I used to create the tutorials in my PPT. I feel as though I really learned about 3 concepts. Jing was so easy to use. I definitely plan on using this tool in my classroom. I think it is a great tool to help facilitate instruction. Overall, I feel as though I learned quite a bit from completing this assignment.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Newsletter Assignment

I used Microsoft Publisher to create this newsletter. I didn't even realize this program was on my computer. It seems like a really nice feature to have at your disposal. It was very easy to simply pick out the template and edit the images and text. I also liked the fact that you can alter the layout and design of the templates to accommodate the structure of your writing. When I create future newsletters, I think I'm going to make them several pages long and have different sections for each subject area.
I think newsletters are a great way for teachers to communicate with parents. This is one of the supplemental tools teachers can utilize to keep parents up to date in regards to the latest happenings in the classroom. It is very important for teachers to maintain open communication with the parents of their students. Communication can provide teachers with useful information that can help provide more individualized instruction for students. Effective communication with parents can also set the tone for successful behavior management. As a teacher, I created a daily progress report template that I use to communicate on a daily basis with each of my student's parents. Thus, the parents of all my students know exactly how their child is doing (academically and behaviorally) every single day their child has been in my classroom. I am a huge proponent of communicating with parents. Most parents recognize the amount of time and effort it takes to complete those daily logs and they really appreciate the feedback. I have also found that because I have such good communication with the parents, students are less likely to misbehave. In addition to having communication logs with parents, I also have them with the school counselor. I also created a template where I can express my academic and behavior concerns with students who receive counseling services. Once the session is completed, the counselor provides me with feedback from the outcome of the session.
One tool that I really want to try to incorporate as a means of communication with parents is through Easy Grade Pro or Gradekeeper. I think this would be a great way to stay in communication with parents. Even though I already do this through the template I created, I think it would be easier for me if I could just post the information on line while subsequently having the information in my grade book. I also want to make a class website or wiki. I want students to be able to review videos, PPT's, and online games we've used in class at home as well in an efficient manner.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Weathering Quiz Update
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Reflection: "Create a Quiz" Experience
The other site I used was Studiyo. I was really excited about this site because of the cool graphic abilities it allows you to incorporate into your quizzes. You can add your own pictures and video to your quiz. I added pictures to my quiz. However, on this site, you can only pick one format (multiple choice or How X are you) for each quiz you create. I chose the multiple choice format. I wanted to compare how each quiz looked using the two different sites. However, this site did not generate the quiz I created. I posted it on my blog and it’s on my profile on the actual site. Yet, you can’t see the quiz or any of the graphics. I am going to try to repost this quiz again later. Even though I had difficulties with this site, I still plan on using this tool in my classroom with the site I was successful with. I think it’s a great way to vary your instruction with students.
Engrade Software Critique

I enjoyed this assignment very much. I currently use Easy Grade Pro in addition to my paper and pencil grade book. I like using Easy Grade Pro because it is very easy to enter and calculate grades. It also enables teachers to give parents a print out of their child’s grades very easily. In correlation to this, the Engrade site is very similar to Easy Grade Pro. Teachers can enter grades, categories, category weights, print multigrade spreadsheets, and keep track of attendance. However, each program has its own distinct advantages and disadvantages.
Easy Grade Pro Advantages:
1. Available Off Line. If internet connection is down, you still have access to your grades.
2. Can enter information quick and easily
3. Can be saved easily in different formats (desktop, flash drive, CD)
Easy Grade Pro Disadvantages:
1.To share info with parents you must print out sheets
2.Must pay for the software
3.Can only view formats on computers where Easy Grade Pro has been downloaded onto
Engrade Advantages:
1. Available Online so there is easy access both at home and at school
2. Can enter information quick and easily
3. Easy Access for both parents and students
4. Information is available in a variety of formats (online or can be printed out as a hardcopy)
Engrade Disadvantages:
1. Parents uncomfortable with the internet may not want their child’s grades posted online.
2. Information is not available in Spanish. Therefore, parents who speak/read limited/no English will not benefit from this tool.
Overall, I think Engrade is a great feature for classroom teachers. I think I may even like it a little more than Easy Grade Pro because it provides a way for teachers to have direct contact with both parents and students on daily basis. I think parents would appreciate being able to see how their child is doing in an easy and convenient manner. It also gives students that are absent a way to stay informed of classroom tests and assignments. The only thing I can think of that would improve Engrade would be to offer the site in both English and Spanish since teachers often service a large population of bilingual students. I think I am going to begin using this tool for my own classroom. I plan on testing it out during the next quarter for my personal plan book. If I like, I am then going to invite parents and students to begin using it as well.
Sample Spelling Gradebook Entry
Friday, October 24, 2008
Creating a Crossword Puzzle
In contrast to Microsoft Excel, I found the web based puzzle maker to be much more efficient. It was very quick and easy to use. All I had to do was type in the words and clues then click generate and my puzzle was done. It only took about 5 minutes to complete. I'd much rather use the web based tool. Ultimately, I think it will save you a lot more time when creating your puzzles.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Crossword Puzzle using Discovery Education Site

3. liquid covering 70% of the surface of the earth
5. depositing sediment in a new location
6. water in a frozen state
7. physical features on the earth's surface
1. downhill movement of rock and soil due to gravity
2. huge masses of moving ice
4. moving sediment from one place to another
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Website Evaluation Reflection
Assignment Evaluation Rubric:
Understanding basic criteria for evaluating information: 5
Correct citations of Web resources in appropriate style: 5
Meta-cognitive Reflection: 4
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Who I Am as an Educator
After taking the Educational Philosophy survey my results were the following:
Perennialism -15
Essentialism- 18
Progressivism- 19
Resonstructionism- 17
Information Processing- 22
Behaviorism- 14
Constructivism- 16
Humanism- 22
The two philosophies I scored highest in are highlighted above. This survey perceives my educational philosophy to be indicative of the following:
Information Processing
For information processing theorists, the focus is on how the mind of the individual works. The mind is considered to be analogous a computer. It uses symbols to encode, process, remember, and retrieve information. It explains how a given body of information is learned and suggests strategies to improve processing and memory.
Humanist educators consider learning from the perspective of the human potential for growth, becoming the best one can be. The shift is to the study of affective as well as cognitive dimensions of learning. Beliefs include: human beings can control their own destiny; people are inherently good and will strive for a better world; people are free to act but must be responsible; behavior is the consequence of human choice; and people possess unlimited potential for growth and development. There is a natural tendency for people to learn, which will flourish if nourishing, encouraging environments are provided.
My Reflection:
Upon reading the descriptions of the different types of educational philosophies, I first thought that I would fall under the category of Essentialism. Essentialism is described as:
Essentialists believe that there is a core of basic knowledge and skills that needs to be transmitted to students in a systematic, disciplined way. A practical focus, rather than social policy, and emphasis on intellectual and moral standards should be transmitted by the schools. It is a back-to-basics movement that emphasizes facts. Instruction is uniform, direct, and subject-centered. Students should be taught discipline, hard work, and respect for authority.
I am a special education teacher and deal with very challenging students in terms of behavior. Therefore, I try to maintain high levels of behavior management in my classroom. I have increased standards in my room and expect the students to work twice as hard to accommodate their achievement gaps. I consider myself to be a very tough teacher. Discipline, hard work, and respect for authority are the essentials in my room because without those basics, achievement is not possible. It is critical that the teacher obtain respect from all students. This is my interpretation based on the experiences I have had working with challenging low level learners. I have had much success implementing these strict policies in my classroom. Thus, I believed I would fall into this category. However, after reading the other two categories, I can also see how I would fall into those categories as well. As a special education teacher, I have become accustomed to working with children who are several years below grade level in both reading and mathematics (which serve as the foundation for the other core subjects). Therefore, I have to modify the curriculum so these students can work at a level that is feasible for them. This seems indicative of the Information Processing Philosophy. Similarly, the Humanism Philosophy also reminds me of my style of teaching. I always tell my students that I cannot control what they do. They cannot control what someone else does. The only thing we all have control of is the ability to control our OWN behavior. If you want your education, you have to be the one to reach out and get it because no one else can do it for you.
Overall, I think this survey was pretty accurate in evaluating my educational philosophy.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
"Learning to Change and Changing to Learn": Video Response
In a society that has become centered around technology, this video clip offered highly insightful observations on the impact of the technological phenomenon that is sweeping the nation within the realms of education and student achievement. Technology is developing at an alarmingly rapid pace. In essence, it has become such an essential part of our culture that it shapes almost all aspects of our lives. The most prevalent forms of technology being used are computers and the internet. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it, it is crucial that our children become engulfed in the computer age. Most likely, at some point in their adult work endeavors they are going to be required to be computer literate. Since we are living in a technologically literate world, we as teachers must adequately equip our students with the skills and resources they will need to be successful in their attempts at further education and emersion into the social networking workforce that will be waiting for them. One of the speakers in the video said it best when he stated that simply mastering the basic knowledge skills is not enough. It is critical that students not only master the standards but also be able to use the foundational base that knowledge provides to synthesize, apply, collaborate, and network with various people and media. Thus, we as teachers need to gear our instruction to meet the needs of learners. As culture changes, education must also subsequently adapt to these changes. This means providing more professional development for teachers who are not computer literate, offering programs and collaborative work, and devising social networking systems that enable school districts to compare different programs of instruction that are taking place outside their own district. Overall, I believe the title of this selection is quite appropriate. Educational institutions have to periodically change instructional methods as technology continues to grow. This change will ultimately lead to new learning by all involved.